The organic farming methods practiced on the farm follow the “Law of Return” principles which state that “What is taken out must be put back in equal measure”.
For micro-nutrients such as boron, silica, selenium, copper, zinc, manganese, iron etc. as well as the macro nutrients such as Nitrogen, potassium, phosphates and calcium. 17 being the minimum required. This is achieved by bringing diversity into the olive fields and making the best highly nutritious compost that we can.
These are the natural methods used by nature herself. Bringing products (inputs) onto the farm, even if natural and organic are short term interventions, comparable to us humans depending on supplements, rather than eating the right food.
Black Olives – 1L
Black Olives – 1L
Black Olives Chilli – 500ml
Black Olives – Stuffed with chilli 500ml
Black Olives with Garlic 250ml
Black Olives- Stuffed with garlic 250 ml
DE-Pipped Olives
Green Honey Bush Tea
GREEN Olives
GREEN Olives
GREEN Olives
GREEN Olives
Herb Salt Rub
A Truly delicious cooking salt with a selection of 6 herbs & a hint of chilli
Olive & Basil Tapenade
Olive & Basil Tapenade
Olive Curry Chutney
Olive Curry Chutney – as above but with curry spices added. Great taste!
Olive Leaf Tea
Olive Leaf Tea
Olive Leaf Tea – Rooibos
Olive Leaf Tea – Rooibos
Olive Oil – 500ml
Organic Olive Oil – 500ml
Organic Leaf Powder & Aloe
Organic Leaf Powder & Aloe Capsules
Organic Olive Leaf Powder
Organic Olive Leaf Powder
Organic Olive Leaf Powder & Sutherlandia
Organic Olive Leaf Powder & Sutherlandia
Savoury dried Olive Seasoning
Savoury dried Olive Seasoning Chilli
Smoked Black Olives – 500ml
Smoked black olives (using oak chips- great flavor) – 500ml
Smoked Olive Tapenade
Smoked Olive Tapenade
© Blue Sky Organics 2018
Website Designed by Madredp
028 581 2014
Buffelshoek Farm, Olyvenrivier Valley,
Van Wyksdorp, Western Cape, South Africa